Inspire others to make a positive journey together


Communicating, Confidently


With your team

So much of communicating well is actually about listening - and giving everybody the space and the tools, as well as the confidence, to have their voice heard. The sessions from Confidence In Communication will give everyone the means not only to find the confidence to make their voice heard, but also to share their power: to make and hold space for everyone else in the room, meaning that nobody is left behind!

When you’re on your own

It can be tough enough to hold the space when everyone else is trying to talk as well - but it can be equally difficult - if not at times downright terrifying! - when you’re the only one speaking, and everyone is looking to you for guidance and direction. Employing years of experience as an actor, director, stand-up comic and improviser, Andrew Allen can help you get a better handle on your nerves, approach the meeting space like it belongs to you, and begin to quell the anxiety.

When you’re online

How we present ourselves differs depending on if we’re in the same room as the people we’re talking to, or if we’re having to address one another via a Zoom call, or on Teams. There are tons more distractions just on the side of the screen, as well as tech issues and the possibility of uncontrollable surprises from someone else’s audio. But platforms like Zoom and Teams can still be a dynamic tool for effective communication, at the same time as being as everyday as the phone in your pocket or the website you’re reading right now.